About Me

A profile photo of Tom

When I open my coding platform whether it’s Android Studio or Xcode, I see a blank canvas in front of me with endless possibilities of what I can create. I think for some people, seeing that blank canvas could be a negative experience, possibly reminding them of the amount of work ahead of them, or the fear of not knowing what to create or if they can deliver on producing it. For myself it’s the opposite, seeing that blank canvas is one of my favourite parts about mobile application development.

I enjoy keeping up to date with the newest technologies, I remember when I first heard that Android was introducing a new language called “Kotlin”, I started experimenting with it, seeing the advantages, disadvantages, and what I might be able to make in Kotlin that others couldn’t in the previous language, “Java”.

I am imaginative. If my group gives me an app idea, I immediately start thinking of ways to build off the idea and innovate. More than anything, I truly do like to “build the damn thing”. When I’m given a project or assignment, I tend to attack it, get right into it. I like to get something down on paper, and maybe I’ll have to refine it once, twice, or even more to make sure it works, but that’s my process. I seldom wait until deadlines to submit my work; I like to take the initiative and produce results.

My Skills:

My Education:

My Work Experience: