The DoughBaby Doughnut app was made for my wife's doughnut business.
Before the app was created she would have to take orders manually, and it
would be hard to get the customers attention when new doughnuts arrived.
The Doughbaby Doughnut app changed all of that. With it's ordering system,
and list of the newest doughnut flavours, my wife was finding commerce
easier than ever before!
Collaboration: My wife and I
Language: Kotlin
Operating System: Android
Technologies and Frameworks used:
Android Studio
My Colour Scheme
Font-Family: Open-sans
How it started
I wanted to make the app with a bottom navigaton bar that really focused
on the major areas: the doughnuts, the order, and home sweet home. After
that it was all about big views that made it easy for the user to find
what they were looking for.
How it's going
My wife already had a logo, company colours and a slogan, so it was all
about bring her designs to life in the Doughbaby Doughnut app. Warm
welcoming colours, a fun and friendly vibe, and breathtaking doughnut
pictures that do the selling by themselves.