Harvest App

All produce in one place

It has always been a little hard to identify nutritional factors like calories, sugar, vitamins etc of any food out there, let alone vegetables or fruits. We want our users to be able to get this information using our app and not be bothered by web searches every time they go grocery shopping and look for a fruit or vegetable’s nutritional benefits before buying. We want to provide all this information under one platform which is our application to make it easy for our users.

Collaboration: Myself, and 5 fellow students.

Language: React-Native

Operating System: Android/iOS

Technologies and Frameworks used:

My Colour Scheme

Font-Family: Montserrat

How it started

Harvest app flow chart image
Harvest Home Wireframe
Harvest List Wireframe

The Harvest app features a straightforward UX system. We expect our users to often be on the go when using our app, and they'll want to get to the required information as quickly as possible. Harvest has all the functionality you need to find out your fruit or vegetables nutrition in easy sortable lists.

How it's going

Harvest Home Design
Harvest List Design

The Harvest app delivers a clean, fresh, and vibrant design. We wanted our app to look welcoming, and be an application that you'd be happy to open whether you're at home, or out on the go at the grocery